Essential Oils and Menopause by Sylvia


I’d like to talk to you about essential oils and the menopause. Hot flashes? Mood swings? Weight gain? I can relate! In this piece, I will share with you my experience of the menopause and what essential oils I would recommend to assist in dealing with its symptoms.


The Menopause: How it Began

What better place to start than with a definition? Menopause: The ceasing of menstruation or the period in a woman’s life (typically between 45 and 50) when this occurs.

 I was 52 years old when it happened. I realised it one afternoon when I saw a huge bead of sweat drop onto the book I was reading and knew that I really, really was going through the menopause. Up until that moment I had put the thought behind me and come up with a myriad of excuses, despite the hot flashes (I put them down to drinking too much coffee), the mood swings (everyone has their ‘off’ days don’t they?), the inability to string a sentence together (I was overworked, very tired) and the fuzzy feeling in my brain (I hadn’t slept well the previous night).

That bead of sweat confirmed to me that it was, in fact, happening to me. I rang my mother who told me that she had begun the menopause at 52 as well and that I had “years of pain and misery ahead” but consoled me with the thought that I was in the company of thousands of other menopausal women who were “on the change”.

Facing the irrefutable truth, I decided to read up on it and trawled through several books, some gloomy, and others packed with (helpful?!) advice such as “maintain a daily meditation diary” and “avoid trigger foods such as caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods”. This advice did not appeal to me as I faced the next few years. Rather than avoid, I had intended on increasing my caffeine, alcohol and spicy food intake during this time to help me cope.

I confided in a few work colleagues who said they’d not noticed any difference in me. On reflection, I think they were being kind. I can clearly recall chairing a large meeting when I had a full-blown hot flush. It was a warm, but not hot afternoon, and I had on a loose dress.

From the middle of my chest I felt a warm glow that quickly spread over my whole upper body and into my face and hair. I knew I was scarlet but luckily for me someone else asked that a window be opened as they felt hot and I laughed and agreed, and secretly thought I’d just got lucky.

My daily life continued but now I had the added stress of these symptoms of menopause:  

  • Night sweats. Getting up at night and slipping back into damp sheets is not fun. I put a large bath towel under me and changed it every day.

  • Not knowing if and / or when my period was going to arrive. I went a whole eight months without one and thought it was all over only for it to start up again with a vengeance. I started carrying spare underwear, sanitary products and wet wipes with me just in case; a not inconsiderable load for a small handbag.

  • Inability to pronounce words and string together a sentence. I once asked my husband, Mike, to put the laundry in the “white thing in the utility room that goes around and round and needs powder!

  • Fuzzy Brain. On one memorable occasion I spotted the butter on top of the television and wondered why Mike had put it there. I opened the fridge to put it back in and found the remote control inside. It was then that I realised that it had been me who’d misplaced it. I started writing things down in a small notebook in case I forgot something, and I still do this.

  • Raging cystitis. I had several tests involving measuring every drop of urine over a twenty-four period. This meant peeing into a measuring jug and decanting it into a larger vessel and taking it to the hospital the next day, some 16 miles away. Some days I was unable to work, and one awful night had me sitting on the loo with a pillow behind me and a duvet over me as I was unable to move due to cystitis. I had scans and loads of antibiotics, but nothing showed up. Eventually, I was told it was all down to my hormone imbalance and the menopause.

  • Being snappy and moody at home. Mike was caring, supportive and patient. He read articles on the menopause and tried to help but hearing that “it’s all down to the menopause” was not what I wanted to hear, especially when I was snappy and moody. Rina was understanding and sympathetic and sent me articles and suggestions. My mum understood and offered advice. My sons knew and were sympathetic but couldn’t appreciate how it affected my life.

There were days when I felt detached and different in body and mind.

I’d be part of a group conversation in work but unable to get the gist of it. Some days I felt as if I was losing my mind. I convinced myself I had a serious illness or even early onset dementia.

I went to my doctor who suggested I start HRT. I declined as I felt I should / would be able to manage without it. With hindsight, I would reconsider this decision. He suggested I try Black Cohosh (a herb that may help the symptoms of the menopause) instead. I did try it, but I didn’t find it effective.

My symptoms of menopause came and went. I wasn’t always suffering from mood swings; I didn’t always have cystitis and the night sweats became less frequent. I didn’t suffer from vaginal dryness, as so many women do.

Over a period of three to four years, I saw my periods become increasingly more erratic until they finally ceased altogether. I was relieved and gradually the troublesome symptoms declined and finally stopped as well. I was over the bridge and feeling myself again!


The Menopause: Light at the End of the Tunnel

Because I don’t want to paint too black a picture (there is light at the end of the tunnel!), here are some of the positive aspects of being post-menopausal.

There are calmer times as you come to terms with the fact your childbearing days are over. You no longer have to remember to take the pill or any other form of contraception (doctors suggest that you are period-free for two years before you stop taking contraception). When the menopause approaches, hormone levels of oestrogen and progesterone begin to fluctuate and diminish as part of the natural ageing process and reducing stress, regular exercise and eating healthily will help to support your body and help prevent weight gain. 

The realisation that you no longer have to buy sanitary products (your bank balance will be healthier!) and keep a note of your cycle in your diary. The nagging period pains, and the headaches are a thing of the past.

You can sleep on your bed sheets without a towel, a soggy nightdress and Medusa-like hair. You’ve been there, done it and got over it. You get your mind back and slowly you can talk tidy as we say in Wales. You can laugh at the funny / odd things you did during the menopause and you don’t mind if others laugh at them as well. When you break into a sweat it’s because you’re hot or eaten a spicy curry. You can give advice to those about to start on their own menopausal journey.

And on that note, my advice would be as follows:

  • Read up about the menopause and symptoms of menopause it before it starts.

  • Make sure your family know about it and what you and they can expect.

  • Make sure you have a good supply of towels, nightwear and fitted sheets – you’re going to get through a lot.

  • Try and find a menopause buddy – this can be someone you work with, a friend or a family member. 

  • Buy a small hand-held fan. It will prove invaluable.

  • Stock up on cystitis-relief sachets.

  • Research and properly consider the pros and cons of HRT so that you can make an informed decision about whether it is right for you. With the benefit of hindsight, I would say that I didn’t really consider HRT as an option because I just dismissed it out-of-hand. Don’t dismiss it as easily as I did. Do think about whether it may assist you.

  • Cut your hair short. You may be laughing now but trust me on this one!

  • Visit your GP if things are starting to overwhelm you. He or she will be able to reassure you that you’re not losing the plot.

  • Use essential oils to support your mood and the physical symptoms of menopause.  


What Essential Oils are Good for Menopause

I wish I’d known how effective essential oils could be when I was 52! Here are my recommendations for what essential oils are good for menopause:

Geranium Oil – helps to soothe jangling nerves as well as balancing hormones, improving mood and supporting regular periods.

Peppermint Oil – helps to ease hot flushes and menstrual irregularity.

Ylang Ylang Oil – helps to balance hormone levels, boost libido and calm palpitations.

Clary Sage Oil – eases menstrual cramps by relaxing and soothing muscles due to its antispasmodic properties.

Thyme Oil – helps support the body during the hormonal transition into peri-menopause and can help relieve symptoms of dysmenorrhea (painful periods or menstrual cramps).

Lavender Oil – can help to reduce hot flushes, headaches, palpitations and relieve discomfort.

Roman Chamomile – another antispasmodic oil that has calming and relaxing properties and can help relieve cramps.

Wild Orange - insomnia, lack of energy.

Lemon - Water retention and ureter infections, memory improvement and concentration.

Cypress - pain, ovary issues and ureter infections.

How to Use Essential Oils for Menopause

There are three ways to use essential oils; topically, internally and aromatically.

An easy way to use essential oils is to make a roller bottle using a carrier oil (I use fractionated coconut oil, but you can also use other oils e.g. jojoba oil, almond oil) and adding essential oils to it (if you’d like some guidance with how to make a roller bottle of your own, just get in touch).

Alternatively, you can make a spritzer with water and oils, e.g. peppermint and lavender to cool you down during those hot flushes. 

Above all else, if you have a partner, be kind to him or her. The menopause can be really tough for you, but it can be tough for them, too.


This blog has been amended and updated, having originally been published by

Rina Bailey