Using Essential Oils for Confidence by Rina


I don’t suppose that anyone who knows me well is likely to say that I have ever lacked in confidence, generally speaking.

I believe that being confident is something that was part of me from an early age, thanks to the love and support I received from my parents, wider family and teachers. Growing up in a safe and caring environment meant that I could learn and try out new things without the fear that I would be overly criticised or get into trouble.

There were no doubt times when my parents would say that I was over-confident! Like the time I ran away from my nan in a shopping centre when I was about three years old. When my poor nan caught up with me and gave me a right telling off, I am told that my self-assured response was “well my mum thinks I’m wonderful!” It makes me smile to think of myself at this age, clearly very happy and safe in the knowledge that I was loved (and wonderful, obvs).

My dad also reminisces that whenever he had cause to chastise me for misbehaving, I would stand there, humbly taking my telling off and would then smile and say “can I go now?!” So much so that he wondered whether he ought to call me back and go in a bit heavier on the admonishment.

I was active and bubbly when growing up. I used to throw myself into pretty much anything both in and out of school. I loved to compete annually at the National Eisteddfod in Wales and would appear on the grand stage singing, dancing, and reciting poetry both on my own and with others.

I have always enjoyed the release you get from physical activity and was a fast sprinter and a confident hurdler in my teens. I was also a relatively strong swimmer and not all that bad at hockey and netball either.  

Although I wasn’t an avid reader until I went to University, I used to enjoy writing poetry, creating stories, and getting lost in my imagination.

At one stage (in between a strong desire to be an ice-cream van owner and a pop star), I wanted to be a journalist. But then during work experience at a solicitor’s firm in Merthyr Tydfil where I grew up, I visited the Crown Court for an afternoon and saw the barristers in action. I was hooked.

Being confident as a criminal barrister is par for the course.

You need to show your judge, your opponent, your client and even the jury that you are capable and committed. You need to have prepared well so that you have a strong grasp of the facts of the case and of the relevant law.

You must have an end goal in sight (this may be an acquittal, or avoiding prison in the case of someone being sentenced) and a road map to get there.

You should take pride in what you do and be respectful of those around you. If you are competent, and act with integrity, you may even earn respect in return. Dress smart, stand tall, shoulders back!

But what about those times when you don’t feel confident? Lacking in confidence happens to us all at some point, for many different reasons, and it can be a fleeting feeling or an ongoing concern.

I suffered from burnout (“a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress”) some years ago and it really shook my confidence.

I started to feel that I was a bit useless in general, and that I was no good at being a barrister. Using essential oils have helped.

Of course, there’s a lot more to overcoming burnout and a lack of confidence than simply using essential oils, but what a difference they have made for me personally!

One of my favourite resources is a book I open time and time again. It’s called Emotions and Essential Oils: A Reference Guide for Emotional Healing. It identifies five stages of healing:

·      Essential oils assist in healing the physical body

·      Essential oils assist in healing the heart

·      Essential oils assist in releasing limiting beliefs

·      Essential oils increase spiritual awareness and connection

·      Essential oils inspire the fulfilment of our life’s purpose

For me, this is truly an holistic approach and it reminds me that healing is a whole body, mind and emotional experience and it’s not just about focusing on one thing (physical wellbeing, for example). I am frequently trying new ways of using essential oils and combining different oils to suit different occasions or feelings I am experiencing.

These are my top essential oils for those times when you are lacking in confidence.


Bergamot is the essential oil of self-acceptance and it has the ability to relieve feelings of despair, self-judgement and low self-esteem. It is citrusy and uplifting. I like to think of it as a grown-up citrus aroma because it has a real depth to it. It isn’t just uplifting though, it is also calming. So it’s really good for boosting confidence because it can perk you up and well as keep you calm and grounded at the same time.

I love to diffuse Bergamot, either on its own, or in combination with Geranium. There is something heavenly about the citrusy punch of Bergamot with the floral notes of Geranium (the oil of Love and Trust). Bergamot can be used aromatically, topically or taken internally and so it’s really versatile. You can read more about the three ways we use essential oils here.


Spearmint is the essential oil of Confident Speech. Need I say more? For me, it has a soft and rounded minty aroma and so it is more soothing in nature than Peppermint, for example. I tend to diffuse Spearmint (and often combine it with Lemon (the oil of focus).

But you could make your own roller bottle by adding 20 drops of Spearmint to a 10ml roller bottle and topping up the remainder with Fractionated Coconut Oil. This way, you can carry it around with you and swipe it over your neck, wrists and over your heart when you need a confidence boost.

Because it is said to promote confidence in expressing oneself verbally, it is ideal if you need to speak in front of a group of people.


Where would I be without my little bottle of Motivate? It’s available in a 5ml bottle (pop a few drops in your diffuser) and also as a pre-made roller bottle for ease of topical application. I have a portable USB diffuser in my car and Motivate is the essential oil I diffuse most often when travelling to court or a meeting. It does what is says on the bottle! It is a blend containing Peppermint, Clementine, Coriander, Basil, Melissa, Rosemary, Yuzu Peel and Vanilla Bean Absolute.

Motivate was formulated for those who need motivation or encouragement and is ideal for when you need to fire yourself into action. If you need to replace negative emotions with feelings of confidence and courage, Motivate is the blend for you!


Adaptiv essential oil is one of the new kids on the block and is the perfect choice if you need a calming boost.


It’s a comforting blend that can provide you with an injection of confidence when you’re in new surroundings or situations.

I have both the 15ml essential oil bottle and the 10ml roller bottle and I tend to use the roller bottle the most. It’s just really handy to have in my handbag; a bit like a miniature version of a comfort blanket that happens to smell amazing!

Adaptiv is a blend of Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, and Sweetgum (providing calming effects), Wild Orange and Spearmint (energising and uplifting), Copaiba and Rosemary (supportive in soothing heightened feelings). It certainly is a powerhouse of a blend and is fast becoming one of my favourites.  


Patchouli is the essential oil of Physicality and is one of my mum’s favourite essential oils. It supports individuals in becoming fully present in their physical body and so it a good essential oil for focussing on the here and now, and the task at hand.

The aroma of Patchouli isn’t one my favourites because it has a full and musky scent when used on its own. It does however blend well with Bergamot (perfect!), Grapefruit and Ylang Ylang and when combined together these essential oils create a beautiful blend for the diffuser. As always, you can also mix these oils with Fractionated Coconut Oil in a roller bottle and apply topically. You’ll be oozing in confidence!


Balance is a grounding essential oil blend and is a mixture of Spruce Leaf, Ho Wood Leaf, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile and Osmanthus flower - a combination of tree oils and roots.

I find this essential oil really calming and I apply it to the bottom of my feet in the mornings. It gives me the opportunity to focus inwards and get myself in the right headspace for the day ahead. If you are feeling a bit jittery or anxious, Balance is a great essential oil to use to give you a confidence boost. It is available both in a 15ml bottle and in a pre-made roller bottle.


Rina Bailey